Our program

Our youth center PULS* in Düsseldorf offers a variety of fun activities for all queer kids from 14-26. There are exclusive groups for only TIN* people, Lesbians or Gays but also various offers for all queer youth.

In addition, at PULS* it is possible to look beyond your own horizon, to get to know new things, exchange ideas or simply spend some time together. You can play table football, relax, read some of our books, play games and also cook whatever you want during our opening hours.

You can find our weekly program and special offers on Instagram.

Opening hours

Our opening hours at one glance.

U14 offers

At PULS* you can meet and get in touch with other LGBTIQ* between 10 t0 14 years.

Over 18 years?

We do have one evening for all queers between 18 and 26 years. An evening just for you…

TIN* offers

You cannot or just in part identify with the gender you have been born with? You are questioning your gender? You are trans*, non-binary, genderfluid, inter*… ? Then you are just right here!


From now on we do have a special TIN* sports offer – every 3rd Monday a month at PULS*. To make the planning easier for us, please contact us if you would like to participate at info@puls-duesseldorf.de

Queer Brunch

For our Queer Brunch offer you are welcome to bring your friends, relatives or social workers. All gender, all ages!

PULS* alumni

We like to keep in touch with all alumni over 27 years. Once a quarter we arrange an alumni meeting. Come and join!

Art and Stuff

We are creative together when it comes to art and stuff, please come along!